Words Matter

Words Matter. As my husband and I pursued business possibilities, we considered operating a ski lodge. We visited a Colorado town near several ski areas. We stopped at the Chamber of Commerce and inquired about whether any lodges in the area were for sale. The man we spoke with directed us to a particular lodge, gave us the name of the owner and said she might be interested in selling.

We headed to the lodge. It was off-season so we were easily able to check in. We toured the lodge and grounds, saw some potential, and made an appointment to talk to the owner.

When we told her we understood she was thinking about selling the property, she reacted with astonishment. “Where in the world did you get that idea?” she asked. She informed us the property had been in her family for generations. She would never think of selling!

We told her where we had gotten the information. She threw back her head and laughed. She explained that on an especially bad day, she spoke to the man at the Chamber, and mumbled something like, “Know anyone who wants to buy a ski lodge cheap?”

Words are powerful. Words mean things. We can easily shrug off and not even remember something we said. But whether or not we take our words seriously, someone else probably does.

The words we speak can either build others up or tear them down. They can encourage or destroy. They can mislead. Kind, gracious, loving words speak healing and give hope long after they are spoken. Careless words can cause someone to carry life-long baggage.

God’s words are the most powerful words of all. He brought the whole universe into existence by speaking. His words transform. I saw this most clearly when Ellen, a friend of my mother-in-law was dying. She was placed in a nursing home and felt discouraged. Though I didn’t know Ellen well, I began to visit her regularly. She told me she had been a “church-goer” most of her life, but still felt empty. She didn’t know her Bible very well. Now, at the end of her life, she hungered for something of substance. She wanted Scripture.

So, as I visited my new found friend I read to her from the Bible. At first, I looked for verses I thought would encourage her, particularly from the Psalms and the Gospels. I soon learned it didn’t matter what passage I read to her, her response was the always the same. “Isn’t that wonderful!” she would say.

It is wonderful. The words from the Bible spoke to her spirit and gave her a new vibrancy. Her face lit up, she smiled, and any trace of sadness simply disappeared.

God’s words are powerful. We are made in His image. That may explain why our words carry so much force. We must use them wisely. The Bible warns how much damage can be done by the tongue. Jesus said that what the mouth speaks comes out of the heart. So, getting our words right begins with getting our hearts right. As we fill our minds and hearts with God’s words, He transforms us. Then our words are more likely to bring healing and blessing to others.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 NLT




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Image by RachH from Pixabay

Copyright 2023 Phyllis L. Farringer

4 thoughts on “Words Matter

  1. Pat Burns says:

    Phyllis, I can identify with the ski lodge owner. LOL This is a great reminder to think before we speak. Thank you.

  2. Debby Annas says:

    Thank you, Phyllis.
    A reminder to me to watch my words and to think a little longer before I speak.

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