Truth Matters

I once received an e-mail message proposing that because chocolate comes from the cocoa bean, and sugar comes from either beets or sugar cane, therefore chocolate is a vegetable. The message went on to assert that because milk is a dairy product, and good for you, candy bars are actually a health food. Furthermore, chocolate covered raisins, oranges and strawberries are fruits, so you can enjoy as many as you want.

The message though clever and fun, seems harmless, but if you swallow it you could end up with diabetes.

The same sort of reasoning is used to arrive at other erroneous conclusions. We see it all around us–clever wording which makes something appear to be other than it is. George Orwell called it “doublespeak.” Usually more subtle than the chocolate analogy, but not fun or harmless. In some cases it is a dangerous poison being dispensed.

We have a very real enemy who is a master of doublespeak. Jesus called him ‘the father of lies.’ Satan, or the devil, began his deception of all people in the Garden. His first words to Eve, “Did God really say . . . ?” were contrived to create doubt in God’s Word and His character.

God’s Word and His character are the foundation of truth. Satan continues his attack through cultural messages designed to make us doubt God and His Word. Only truth is true. It is not up for debate. It is not a matter of opinion–yours or mine. God, the Creator of the universe and the Author of all of life, has the authority to determine the standard. He has done that, and made it plain. From the beginning of time, people have either accepted God’s standard of righteousness or sought to determine their own.

When Adam and Eve listened to Satan’s lie, sin came into the world and separated the human race from God. Out of His loving nature, God sent His Son, Jesus to restore that relationship. His sacrifice on the cross pays for the sin of all who turn to Him in faith and repentance.

God has revealed Himself. He wants us to know Him, and He has provided ample opportunity for us to do so. By His creation, we know that He is. Through His Word, we know who He is. His commandments show us how to live, but also show us how far short we fall of His perfect standard. We need a Savior.

That God is real is obvious from the things He has made. Those who suppress that truth fail to see his activity in their lives (Romans 1:18-20). But, those who seek Him will find Him. He reveals Himself through His Word, by His Spirit, and through His people.

God’s Word is our plumb line. It is the standard against which all other information must be measured. It enables us to discern truth. Popular ideas may seem attractive and inviting, like chocolate (and I do like chocolate) but a lie is a lie whether it is promoted through ignorance or deliberate deception. Either way, knowing the truth protects us from the false and frees us from a lot of confusion.

The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever. . .Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble. Psalm 119:160,165 ESV


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Image by Alexander Stein from Pixabay

Copyright 2022 Phyllis L. Farringer

3 thoughts on “Truth Matters

  1. Vivian Morphis says:

    Thank you for the reminder that Satan, the master of doublespeak, is very busy in our world; and that God’s word is our plumb line.

  2. Pat Burns says:

    You have spoken truth here. We must listen and heed. Like many others who choose not listen to truth, I don’t want to listen to the truth about chocolate. LOL

  3. Vanessa says:

    There is nothing new under the sun, but it sure is always being rebranded. Latest I’ve heard is Eugenics is bad, but Assisted Suicide for mental problems, poverty or disease is socially desirable. It’s vital to be grounded in His truth, thanks for the reminder!

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