The King is Coming

The King is Coming. 

When I was a child and expressed a desire for something I didn’t have, my parents responded, “Christmas is coming.” As I recall, they said this regardless of the time of year. Just the mention of Christmas carries with it a sense of anticipation, excitement and joy. Most people associate Christmas with good things.

The world is always waiting for Christmas. People look forward to the festivities. People make plans to be with family. It may not be at the forefront of everyone’s thinking early in the year, but there is an undercurrent of Christmas interest that is easily awakened. Christmas movies are aired in July, for a week or more. Ads and promotions for the holiday start in September and multiply as December approaches. People receive Christmas cards from people they may not hear from any other time. The whole month of December is a season of Advent, leading up to the day we celebrate Jesus’s birth.

The world has always waited for Christmas. All through the Old Testament of the Bible, there is a sense of anticipation for the coming Messiah. As early as the third chapter of Genesis, God began to reveal Him. Immediately after Adam and Eve’s sin set the world on a course of decline, God pointed to a coming Redeemer who would set things right again.

Little by little, more information was given to us. God told Abraham his descendants would become a great nation and the whole world would be blessed. King David learned from God that a descendant of his would reign as King forever. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Zechariah and others added pieces to give a fuller picture of the one to come. Micah even prophesied He would be born in Bethlehem.

So the world waited with great anticipation, for the coming Savior. He would fix a broken world. He would conquer their enemies. He would destroy evil and judge rightly. They looked for a conquering king. But He came as a baby. He walked the earth as a man. He taught about His coming kingdom. He laid down His life. He conquered sin and death at the cross. Whoever turns to Him in faith, and accepts His saving grace, finds forgiveness and the way to eternal life.

The coming of Jesus is the focal point of the Bible. But the Old Testament didn’t distinguish between His first and second coming. Many of the prophesies about Him and His reign have not yet been fulfilled. Jesus will come again. The King is coming. His Spirit is here now. One day He will come in all His glory. He will establish His kingdom. We don’t know when, but it could be soon. Then all the promises about restoration and justice will be fulfilled. All the promises about destroying evil and setting everything right will come true. The way to be ready for Him is to let Him establish His kingdom in our hearts now.

The King is coming. It’s a message of hope. God comes in surprising ways. We don’t know exactly what His return will be like, but we can know for sure the King is coming. As every day is one day closer to His return, it should fill us with joyous anticipation.

“For the time is coming,” says the Lord, “when I will raise up a righteous descendant from King David’s line. He will be a King who rules with wisdom. He will do what is just and right throughout the land. And this will be his name: ‘The Lord Is Our Righteousness.’” Jeremiah 23:6-7


How are you anticipating the return of the King in all His glory? Please leave a comment below.


Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer

Image by talpeanu from Pixabay


4 thoughts on “The King is Coming

  1. David Kerley says:

    Thank you for sharing, Phyllis. “The King is Coming” was beautifully written. Merry, Merry Christmas!

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for sharing, Phyllis. I’m so grateful Jesus is coming back. 🙂

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