Thankful (Every Day)

Thankful every day.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever (Psalm 107:1).

In America we set aside a day of thanksgiving. We have so many reasons to be thankful. A thankful heart is even good for us. It produces joy and contentment. When we consider everything we have, the things we don’t have become less important.

Every good gift we enjoy comes to us from the generous hand of God. The God who made us gives us life and breath. He gives us purpose. His sovereignty rules over history, and the future. He determined the moment of time we would be born into the world. We would have nothing if He didn’t provide it.

Some of the things for which I am thankful? I am thankful for family and friends. Sunrises and sunsets, hiking trails, and mountain views all stir gratitude in me. I am thankful for ocean visits, whether the waves are roaring or gently lapping the shore. I am thankful for walks along the beach. I appreciate the heel of a sailboat as it slices through the waves and I feel the wind on my face.

I am thankful for the laughter of children, and the kindness of strangers. I am thankful for people who enjoy their work, and do it well.

I enjoy a crackling fire. I am thankful for the smell of fresh coffee, the taste and texture of ice cream, and for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I am thankful for the warmth of my dog snuggled against me as I read a good book.

I am thankful for answered prayer. I am thankful for the Bible, which reveals the character of God. I am thankful for the truth the Bible teaches, which gives us peace and stability in an unstable world. It teaches us our trials have purpose, and whatever suffering we experience in this world is temporary.

Most of all, I am thankful for the cross of Jesus Christ. It shows us both the seriousness of our sin and the depth of God’s love. I am thankful for the gospel message. It is so simple a child can understand it, yet so profound we can never exhaust all the facets of its significance. God is holy. Sin separates us from God, and condemns us to eternal punishment. Jesus took the punishment for our sin so we could live eternally under the cover of His righteousness if we simply trust in what He did. His resurrection shows His defeat of death, enabling us to live forever. Death of our mortal bodies is only the end of a season.

Our good, gracious God has given us so many reasons to be thankful. Thanksgiving should be a way of life. The God who made us deserves our praise and thanks, not just for a day, but every day, and for every moment. He sent Jesus to save us from our sin. By His Spirit He enables us to live fruitful lives. He has promised a glorious future, when He will destroy all sin, evil and death forever. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His faithful love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalm 100:4-5



What are some reasons you are thankful? Please leave a comment below.


Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer

Image by Deborah Hudson from Pixabay


4 thoughts on “Thankful (Every Day)

  1. Joni says:

    Thank you for your post, Phyllis. I’m thankful to God for salvation, and everything God is. 🙂

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Yes, for everything He is. Thank you, Joni.

  2. Kathie says:

    I’m thankful for answered prayer in His time. I’ve learned not to be anxious for anything …
    Phil 4:6-7

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      And He gives the peace that passes understanding. Thank you, Kathie.

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