Rest. In today’s world, it often seems illusive. Hurry and stress seem to be trademarks of current life. Keeping up with the pace of cultural demands can be exhausting.
Some, with a strong work ethic, try to work seven days a week. They think if they take too many days off they will never accomplish what they want in life. But they never really take time to enjoy the fruits of their work.
Many look forward to vacations, hoping for respite, but return home just as exhausted as when they left because of all the activity crammed into a few days.
God didn’t intend for us to always be striving for the stuff of this world. Those who continually strive for more and more are seldom satisfied. God intends for us to be content and satisfied with what He provides. He provides work and the strength to do it. He also provides the gift of rest.
Contrary to much popular opinion, life works better when we do it God’s way. God’s commandments are designed to help us live fulfilling lives. Everything God does comes out of His heart of love for His people. His commandments are guardrails to protect us and to help us achieve the best possible life. We ignore them to our own detriment.
One of His commands to us is to remember the Sabbath day. He ordained a day of rest.
There is a rhythm to life. Sabbath helps us find it, reducing stress.
God established the principle, and gave us the example of rest by resting after the six days of creation. An insightful thought I read recently says, “God didn’t sabbath because he was tired, or worn out from all the creating he did. Rather, his act of stopping was an act of creation itself. God stops, and in doing so, he creates a rhythm of rest woven into the very fabric of creation.” (Abraham Joshua Heschel).
God has built a pattern of rest into our world. A weekly Sabbath to cease from the week’s labor is a time to reflect on who God is, to worship Him, and thank Him for all He has done. He has also given us daily rest, every evening. A time to sleep allows us to wake refreshed for the demands of a new day. When we begin each day seeking Him and His counsel, He gives us necessary strength and wisdom. He has also given us moment to moment rest in Him. As we trust in Him, He gives peace in whatever circumstances arise.
We cannot earn our way to heaven. Jesus invites us to rest in Him. We can trust that what He did on the cross is sufficient for our salvation. We rest in God’s sovereignty. He is in charge of the world over which we have no control. We can trust He knows what He is doing. The secret of rest is knowing life does not depend on us.
Taking time to reflect on Who God is and what He has done, helps us to enjoy peace in the midst of whatever chaos may be going on around us. He designed us to enjoy Him and His creation. Thank Him for all He has provided–the beauty of nature, our families and friends, the strength to function. Gratitude leads us to contentment with what we have instead of dissatisfaction because of what we don’t have.
When we seek Him and His perspective in all of life, He provides rest for us physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Circumstances may be peaceful, but often they are not. May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you rest in Him.
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him. Psalm 37:7 NKJV
How have you found peace and satisfaction through resting in the Lord? Please leave a comment below.
Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer
Image by Alicja from Pixabay
Thanks for the great reminders, Phyllis. I appreciate your insights!
Thank you, Joni. I appreciate you reading and commenting.