People often have questions about how to prepare for the future. My husband and I recently watched a movie about the end of America. It was not a movie we chose to watch, but we were staying in someone else’s home and they showed it. The movie centered around some unnamed threat that changed everything.
Perhaps the producers of the movie merely intended it as entertainment. Or maybe they had a specific point they were trying to communicate. Whatever motive the movie-makers worked from, the message conveyed was one of hopelessness. Basically, the theme was something along the lines of: America has enemies around the world. Any one of them, or all of them together, could try to destroy us at any time. No one is in charge. Your best option is to build a well equipped bunker, complete with endless hours of entertainment, and plan to stay there.
How sad to live without hope, to be constantly living in fear of what may be coming. Periodically, we see in the news that another billionaire has built a multimillion dollar bunker on their property as their way to prepare for the future, whatever may come.
It’s true that we live in an unstable world. We do have enemies. They may take the form of other people or nations, demonic forces, and even our own misguided thinking. But we are not without hope. There is Someone in charge. God Almighty created the world. Sin broke it. Because God is in charge, we are all accountable to Him. The sin of turning away from God accounts for the evil in the world. Because of sin, we are all guilty, and deserving of His wrath.
But God, in His mercy, has given us a lifeline. He sent Jesus to live a perfect life on earth and take on Himself the punishment we deserve for our sins. He died on the cross, and rose again, so that when we repent of our sins and turn to Him in faith we find forgiveness. In Him, our past doesn’t matter and our future is secure.
The world as we know it will one day end. God Himself has told us the world will disappear and be replaced by a new heaven and earth. At that time, no bunker, no matter how well-built and supplied, will be of any help. Those who know Jesus as Lord and Savior will live forever in His place of restoration. Currently, nations rise against nations. The kings of the world make their plans for evil–and God laughs (Psalm 2). The world as we know it will end, but on God’s timetable. All the people in the world will one day bow before Him.
Every generation is given unmeasurable blessings and opportunities before God. We are accountable to a holy God for what we do with them. God has commissioned every generation to carry His message of hope to the next generation.
How sad to live without hope. Everything is meaningless if life is lived apart from God. We prepare for the future by putting our faith in Jesus. In Him, we are prepared for the future, no matter what it looks like.
God is in charge. He is eternal. He has all authority. He is full of compassion and He loves us. He will restore what sin has ruined. If you don’t know Jesus, I pray you will consider Him. If you do know Jesus, tell someone about Him.
Long ago you laid the foundation of the earth and made the heavens with your hands. They will perish, but you remain forever. . .The children of your people will live in security. Psalm 102:25-27
How are you preparing for the future? Please leave a comment below.
Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer
Image by icheinfach from Pixabay
What a great post, thank you! You are correct that life as we know it will end, God has always been, is now, and will always be in charge! Our hope and preparation needs to be God and God alone – everything else doesn’t matter!
Thank you, Paul. Our security is in Him.
Thank you for this reminder that God is in charge. His plan and timing are perfect!
Thank you, Vivian. When we trust Him, everything else falls into place.
Thank you for posting, Phyllis. Yes, I’m thankful for the reminder that God is the ruler of the universe. I forget as I go about my day and get distracted. But that knowledge is the only comfort I have when I think about all the “what-ifs”.
Thank you, Joni. The “what-ifs” can drive us crazy unless we remember Who is in control.
With all of the craziness happening in our nation, and world, I like to ground myself with a passage out of Colossians. “In this new creation life, your nationality makes no difference, nor your ethnicity, education, nor economic status—they matter nothing. For it is Christ that means everything as he lives in every one of us!” (Colossians 3:11 TPT)
The Jewish people faced great political challenges during Jesus’ time. Faith is what got them through it. So, I plan on continuing to follow the teachings of the true Rabbi. 🙂
Thank you, Ethan. It is our faith in the One True God that gets us through the confusion of the day-to-day.