Looking for the good in all things can be challenging.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose, Romans 8:28 NIV.
This Bible verse is quoted often. It’s placed on plaques. It’s embroidered on pillows. It is used to try to comfort people in tough situations. Unfortunately, for the one experiencing the tough situation, it may be received as a platitude.
Nevertheless, it is a truth worthy of our attention.
“All things” is not ambiguous. All means all–not some, or most–but all. Yet, things happen to all of us that we in no way consider good. Accidents, illnesses, and death of a loved one can easily affect any of us. Also, divorce, or abuse are realities in many families. Even if the larger evils of rape, murder, and human trafficking don’t affect us directly, we know they exist. It is hard to see good in such things, or even see how good can come from them.
The qualifiers in the verse give some insight. The promise is for those who love God and are seeking His ways. But, even for Christ-followers, it is hard to reconcile “all things” working for “good.” Though we may be looking for the good in something, it can be hard to find.
It is important to read Scripture in context–the context of the surrounding verses and the context of the whole Bible. I memorized Romans 8:28 long before I paid any attention to Romans 8:29. We want to define “good” as what is comfortable, or pleasant. Circumstances are good when they work out the way we want them to work out. The Bible’s perspective on good differs from ours. Romans 8:29 explains that the “good” from God’s perspective is to help us mature as believers, to become more like Christ in our thoughts and actions.
We don’t see the whole picture. The time line is not finished. We don’t know the results of the things that look bad or even horrible.
Some of the worst calamities have been catalysts for someone to come to know God. This world is not all there is. This world is filled with sickness, death, murder, deception, thefts, sorrow, misunderstandings, and heartache. For believers, heaven will be devoid of all of those things. If something happens here that helps someone get there, isn’t that a good thing?
The theme of God’s good purposes runs through the entirety of Scripture. Bible characters were often looking for the good. When Joseph was mistreated by his brothers and sold into slavery (Genesis 37) he later told them, You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good, Genesis 50:20 NLT. The Psalmist cries out, My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees, Psalm 119:71 NLT. James reminds us to consider troubles of any kind an opportunity for great joy, James 1:2 NLT.
Through the hard things, we learn things we could not learn any other way about God and His character.
How can we be looking for the good when everything around us is crumbling? By remembering who God is. He is wise. He is sovereignly in control. He is good. It is God who works all things together for good. His ways are not our ways, but His ways are perfect. Our perspective is limited. The better we know Him, the easier it is to trust Him with the things we don’t understand.
God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. Psalm 18:30 NLT
How have you been able to see the good in a bad situation? Please leave a comment below.
Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer
Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay
Phyllis, I thought your message was especially meaningful. I really liked your opening. Yes, Romans 8:28 is often quoted without following verses being read. You helped us get a glimpse of God’s perspective. He certainly wants us to grow to be Christ-like. Thankfully, the long-range goodness of God’s purposes is revealed throughout the Bible.
“The long-range goodness of God’s purposes is revealed throughout the Bible.” Amen! Thank you, Charlotte.
Thank you for your thoughts, Phyllis. Always good to be reminded. 🙂
It is always helpful to remember who God is. He is where we find security. Thank you Joni.