Life raises questions. Why did this happen? How long until . . .? If God is good, why is so much evil stirring in the world? Sometimes answers come. Other times, the questions hang unanswered.
The simple answer to why there is so much suffering in the world is because the world is broken by sin. As a result, suffering affects everyone. The answers to why God allows specific suffering are not so clear. The Bible teaches that not all affliction is directly tied to sin (John 9). Though we don’t always have certain answers to our questions about suffering, sometimes God gives us hints.
When my mother was 81, she was diagnosed with cancer. It was easy to wonder why she had to endure something so hard when age had already drained much of her strength. Surely a sovereign, loving God could have spared her this.
Yet, in my mother’s case, what I observed became a significant lesson for me. As I was growing up, my mother worried. A lot. About a lot of things. Despite her faith, she worried. But during her battle with cancer, I watched her learn to trust God more. She concluded that worrying about the cancer was not going to change the outcome. She realized she was in God’s hands and either He would heal her or He would not. Her worrying would not make the difference. She decided she would be fine either way. She learned to really trust God. She relaxed in His arms and found rest. He rewarded her with peace.
In the end, after surgery and chemo, her health was restored. She then lived to be 97, and I never saw her worry about much of anything after that.
God promised He would work all things for good in the lives of those who love Him and trust Him. It is not always easy to see the good He is working. In my mother’s cancer I saw how God grew her faith.
The Bible tells us to count it all joy when we experience trials of many kinds (James 1:2). Just that statement raises questions. Most of us do not naturally connect joy and suffering. God reveals in other Scriptures that suffering produces character. It is not a comfortable truth to learn. It takes the experience of suffering to understand that suffering enables us to learn things about ourselves, and about God, that we couldn’t learn otherwise.
It is easy to look at the sky, or the mountains, or other natural beauty, and understand a great and powerful God created the universe in all its splendor. But life raises questions. It takes faith to rest in His sovereign control of the world and of our lives. It takes faith to trust Him when we don’t have answers to our questions. It takes faith to trust him when events unfold in a way that is not to our liking. This side of heaven, God is not going to reveal all the answers to all of our questions. An important question for us is, will we trust Him?
“It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.” John 9:3 NLT
When life raises questions, how have you learned to trust God? Please leave a comment below.
Copyright 2025 Phyllis L. Farringer
Image by Anand KZ from Pixabay
Thank you.
Thank you, Debby. Thanks for reading.
I recently received an understanding of trials and sadness that I endured for decades. I didn’t get angry that it took so long. I praised God for the answers and the unexpected people He used to bless me!
Thank you, Elizabeth. When the answers come, it is a praise.
Thanks for the post, Phyllis. I do my best to turn over my will and my life every day. I’m grateful God understands and comforts when I struggle and take back control. 🙂
It’s a process. Thank you, Joni.
Thank you Phyllis. I appreciate reading your posts giving encouragement to faithfully follow on the path God has set before me.
Again, thank you!
Thank you, Kathy. I’m glad you find it helpful.