Faith Is Simply Believing God

Faith is simply believing God. He created a perfect world. Sin tarnished it. Sin brings death. We are separated from God because of sin. But God is carrying out His plan of restoration. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth and lived a perfect, sinless life as a man. Then He took on Himself the weight of our sins, and bore the penalty for them on the cross. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 NIV).

We have all sinned. Evidence? No one has to be taught to be selfish. We come by that naturally.

Jesus died for our sins. He rose again on the third day. He conquered death. By His grace, all who come to Him, by faith, will live with Him throughout eternity.

We complicate faith with our doubts and questions. Does God even exist? What do we have to do to earn His favor? If God exists, why is their so much suffering in the world?

Does God exist? How could it be any other way? How could the expanse of the universe be a reality without the Creator who is bigger than all of it? How could the intricacies of our world just happen, without a well thought out plan? The conditions on earth are designed to sustain life. The earth is the exact distance from the sun it needs to be. If it was any closer, we would all burn up. If it were farther away, we would all freeze to death. The atmosphere is just exactly what our lungs need to breathe. The nutrients in the soil are continually replenished to produce the food we need to eat. Not only are the conditions on earth perfect to support life, but life is designed to reproduce itself.

The list of reasons to believe is endless. Romans 1:19-20 reminds us, that the truth about God can be clearly seen from what He has made, and we have no excuse for not knowing Him.

Ephesians 2:8-10 explains that salvation, or a right relationship with God, comes to us by grace, through faith. It is not because of good things we have done, so we have nothing to boast about. But, once we believe and follow Him, then He has good things He wants us to do.

The simple answer to why there is so much suffering is that the world is broken because of sin. Suffering is universal. All the reasons for it may not be clear. Sometimes suffering comes because of bad decisions. Other times it seems very random and unfair. Regardless of how suffering comes into our experience, it originated because of sin in the world. And when life is not easy we learn about God’s power and strength to carry us through difficult times. We learn about the peace He gives in the midst. He uses it to grow our faith. The bible promises God works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

We don’t have to understand it all. We just have to believe it. Faith is simply believing God.

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6 NIV


How has your faith grown because of what you have seen and experienced? Please leave a comment below.


Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer

Image by Lisa Caroselli from Pixabay

6 thoughts on “Faith Is Simply Believing God

  1. Debby Annas says:

    Very good and to the point!
    Thank you!

  2. Charlotte of Kansas says:


    The Scriptures and affirmations you gave can help a lot of people, especially those who are seeking meaning for their lives. My prayer: may this be a blessed & strengthening Lenten season for Christ followers worldwide. It’s tough out there!

  3. Joni says:

    Thank you for your thoughts. Great info. I appreciate it!

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Joni. I am glad you found it helpful.

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