
“How much money is enough?” One of the richest men ever, John D. Rockefeller, is quoted as answering that question with, “Just a little bit more.”

In Luke 12, Jesus taught a crowd about hypocrisy, the fear of God, and not worrying about anything because God provides for sparrows, and we are more valuable to Him than many sparrows. Someone in the crowd interrupted to ask Jesus to tell his brother to divide an inheritance with him. Jesus answered the man that he should beware of covetousness. Life does not consist of the abundance of things one possesses.

Then Jesus told a story. He often told stories to make a point. In this story, Jesus told of a rich man who had so much wealth, he didn’t have room to store it. He decided he needed to build bigger barns to keep his crops and other goods. In his plan, the rich man would have plenty to take care of himself for many years. He could relax and enjoy his rich lifestyle. He didn’t have to worry about anything.

But Jesus said the man was a fool. That very night his life on earth would end. His wealth would do him no good. It would fall into the hands of another when he died. Jesus said it is that way for all who lay up treasure for themselves but are not rich toward God.

Following the story of the rich fool, Jesus turned to His disciples and continued His teaching. He told them not worry about their life–what they will eat or what they will wear, because life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. He pointed to the birds who didn’t plant or harvest crops, and had no storehouses or barns; yet God feeds them. He also asked His disciples to consider the lilies of the field. Flowers that did nothing to create adornment for themselves, were arrayed beautifully by God. Jesus taught that people were much more valuable to God than the birds or the flowers. God knows what we need. There is no need to be anxious about such things. If we seek God and His kingdom first, before all else, He will provide everything we need.

Depending on worldly wealth gives a false sense of security. Worldly wealth can disappear in a moment. The rich fool accumulated goods for himself with no thought of others. Real security is found in aligning our thoughts and desires with what God says is important. Sharing what we have shows our trust in God’s provision. If we seek Him and His will, we will always have enough of whatever we need.

If a person’s goal is to accumulate as much money as possible, it is never enough. Those who only look for more of the things of this world, are never satisfied with what they have.

How much wealth do we need? How much is enough? It depends on where we look for riches. Is our focus on the things of this world or on the things of God?

Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. Luke 12:31 NLT


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Copyright 2023 Phyllis L. Farringer

4 thoughts on “Enough

  1. Debby Annas says:

    Such a great lesson!
    Thank you Phyllis.

  2. Charlotte of Kansas says:


    Scripture and your insights about wealth are much needed in our world today. Thank you.

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Charlotte.

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