Discerning Truth

Discerning truth is not always easy. How do we know what is true when cultural lies assault us from every direction?

It is easy to spot falsehood when it’s obvious. Every day we see blatant lies stated as fact. Values accepted for generations are no longer considered relevant. The most outrageous behavior is applauded. Evil is called good and good is called evil. The world is upside down from what it was just a few years ago. It doesn’t take a lot of discernment to recognize something is wrong.

But the deception that permeates our culture is often subtle. Whether from the media, political figures, product advertising, or just advice about how to live “wisely,” opinions are many and varied. A twisting of the truth may sound plausible. A compromise with morality may be labeled “tolerance,” or “compassion.” Some intentionally misrepresent the truth in order to push a particular agenda. Others unknowingly repeat lies they have heard. It is difficult to discern who is telling the truth, when both sides of an issue sound reasonable. AI will only increase the amount of misinformation. It can all leave us in a fog of confusion.

Regardless of the form it takes, something is either true or it isn’t.


Knowing truth begins with knowing God. He is truth.


The fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom (Psalm 111:10 NLT). God’s Word, the Bible, is truth (John 17:17). All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right (2 Timothy 3:16 NLT).

Satan is the father of lies. He was a murderer and liar from the beginning (John 8:44). His deception of Eve in the Garden began with creating doubt about God’s Word– Did God really say . . .? (Genesis 3:1). His tactics have not changed. He uses lies and deception to keep people from knowing the truth.

Only truth is true. It is not determined by opinion or popular consensus. God, the Creator of the universe and the Author of all of life, has the authority to determine the standard. He has made His will plain from the beginning of time. From the start, people have either accepted God’s standard of righteousness or sought to determine their own.

I can’t know anyone’s heart. It is up to God to judge motives. Whether someone spews untruth because of malicious intent or because they are themselves deluded, I cannot know for sure. What I do know is that our defense against all that is false is to know the truth (John 8:32).

People who don’t know the Bible are at the mercy of what others say about it. False teachers abound. When we seek God and His counsel, His Spirit leads us to truth (John 14:17, 16:13).

Each of us must choose what side we are on. As a biblical perspective becomes more and more unpopular, will we strive to please men, or seek to please God?

It is not enough to just know what the Bible says. Life is not a game of Bible trivia. It is important to know God–to know His heart, to seek His wisdom in all things. That is what equips us for discerning truth.

I don’t have all the answers about what is true and wise. But I know Who does. When I learn and apply His wisdom, everything becomes clearer. Discerning the truth can be tricky. The more we seek God and His truth through Bible study and prayer, the more the fog dissipates.

Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. Psalm 119:18 NLT


How has God helped you discern what is true? Please leave a comment below.


Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

4 thoughts on “Discerning Truth

  1. Ethan says:

    I have found that leaning into the Holy Spirit helps distinguish between worldly, religious, and eternal truths.

    We love you!
    Ethan & Chelsie

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you. I love you too.

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart in this post, Phyllis. I’m grateful for God’s Word and the other ways He reveals His truth to me.

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