It happens every year. We have just experienced it. Did you notice? Once a year, the world stands still. Everything pauses. Of course those who love Jesus recognize Christmas as a time of special honor for Him, to remember His coming. But even those who don’t give much thought to why we celebrate, acknowledge Christmas as a special day. Stores close and people gather with their families. Restaurants shut their doors for Christmas, if for no other day. The streets are quiet. On occasion, wars have ceased for a Christmas truce. Many who don’t consider church attendance an important part of their week, find themselves in church for Christmas and Easter. Despite what people have made of the season, there is no question that Jesus’ birth changed something. Our calendar itself is a reminder that when He stepped into history, time divided into before and after.
Now a new year has begun. The Christmas decorations are put away. It is back to business as usual. But the reason for Christmas remains. His presence is still with us. Jesus came into a world filled with strife and uncertainty. It was messy. Jesus’ own human genealogy, as recorded in Matthew 1, is messy. Lies, adultery, murder, prostitution, and deceit are just a sample of the ills revealed in the various biographies leading to His birth.
The world today is characterized by the same confusion and disorder. Yet, Jesus came. He came as the Redeemer. The perfect, sinless One is the only One who can redeem us. God Himself came into the world He created and loved, with all its messiness, to restore what sin had broken. Because what is wrong with the world is not just “out there” in the world at large, or just in Jesus’ human family, it is in our own families. It is in our own hearts. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. At some point we have all turned away from Him and His standards to determine our own way. But we are justified by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ. Jesus is a gift.
He stands ready to enter the messiness of our lives. He forgives our sin, in whatever form it has manifested itself, when we turn to Him and ask. No one is beyond His redemption. We don’t have to clean ourselves up first in order to come to Him. The truth is we can’t. Apart from Him, we cannot make ourselves right. But when we admit our sin and helplessness and lean on Him, He does wonderful things. He restores our relationship with God the Father. He makes changes in our lives, by transforming our hearts. Even though the chaos of our circumstances may continue, He gives us peace and counsel in the midst.
Jesus is not just for Christmas. He is the gift worth celebrating all year.
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. . . 2 Corinthians 5:17,18 NLT
I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment below.
Copyright 2023 Phyllis L. Farringer
This was a pleasant read, Phyllis. Thank you for starting the year off by staying faithful to your calling.
Thank you, Stefanie.
As always, a great blog. I truly enjoy reading this every time it hits my email. Thank you for doing this and keep up the great work!
Thank you!
Phyllis, this is on point and really thought provoking. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you, Shelby
Good read
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.
“Beyond December” gives us rich insights as we step into the new year. Like millions of people, I want to continue to celebrate the coming of Christ. And now in 2023 He can make a wondrous & eternal difference in a person’s life.
Thank you, Charlotte.