Artificial Intelligence

The latest craze everyone is talking about is artificial intelligence. Because it can process vast amounts of information quickly, artificial intelligence, or AI, can give answers and create reports in seconds. Students are already writing essays using AI technology. AI is said to be able to pass a bar exam.

While many are excited about the time-saving research capabilities of AI, a group of high-tech developers has expressed concern. They signed a letter urging a moratorium on the development of AI because it could, “Become smarter than we are.”

What many overlook in all of this is that though AI has access to all the information on the internet, it has no discernment to determine whether or not that information is true. It may produce a convincing argument if asked to write a report on a particular topic, but AI can only repeat the information programmed into it. Even if the information is factual, AI is unable to determine right from wrong or good from evil. It reflects the bias of its programmer.

Someone who knows nothing about a subject can use AI to write a plausible sounding report, but have no way of knowing what part of the material is inaccurate or misleading. Important questions to ask ourselves are: Do we want a lawyer representing us who passed the bar exam by AI? Do we want to rely on doctors who used AI to get through medical school, without coming to a firm knowledge of their field? Do we want teachers teaching information they have not studied for themselves?

AI has access to more information than we do, but it is not smarter–unless we allow ourselves to become dependent on it.


Wisdom comes from God. He is the source of truth. Information that contradicts what God says, is false whether it comes from a well-educated professor, a news reporter or a computer. Societal changes try to redefine what God has established. People who resist the truth that God has given, try to establish their own truth. With varied understandings of “truth,” confusion reigns.

Artificial intelligence is just that–artificial. It isn’t real intelligence. English journalist Malcolm Muggeridge observed, “One of the peculiar sins of the twentieth century which we have developed to a very high level is the sin of credulity. It has been said that when human beings stop believing in God they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse: they believe in anything.”

It is more important than ever to know the truth. The more acquainted we are with the truth, the easier it will be for us to recognize the false and misleading information that is being thrown about. In the current state of the world, deception is everywhere. As AI technology grows, false and misleading information will proliferate at an increasingly wild rate. Our only protection is to know what is true.

Jesus is the truth. He is the way, the truth and the life (John14:6). His Word is truth (John 17:17).  He said, if we hold to His teaching, we will know the truth and the truth will set us free (John 8:31-32). Truth come from God. May He grant us discernment to recognize it.

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 NLT



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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Copyright 2023 Phyllis L. Farringer


2 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence

  1. Debby Annas says:

    May he grant us discernment to recognize it .

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Debby. It is only by God’s wisdom that we can sort out what is true and what isn’t.

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