A Simple Act of Kindness

A simple act of kindness can make such a difference.

Growing up, I was one of the odd kids who actually enjoyed school. I enjoyed learning. There was never any question in my mind that college would follow my high school graduation. But life has a way of unfolding in ways we neither intend nor anticipate. At 16, I met Doug. We dated through my last two years of high school, which coincided with his last two years of college. I never had any intention of getting married when I graduated high school. But with Doug’s graduation came a commission in the Air Force, which meant he would be moving somewhere far away.

Neither of us wanted the separation, so I agreed to marry him and follow wherever he went. I was still determined to go to college, but college plans were on hold until we were settled.

His first permanent assignment was at a remote radar site in Northern California. As soon as practical, I enrolled in classes. However, the nearest college involved an hour and a half commute. This was in the days before internet was an option, so I signed up for classes that met two days a week.

This arrangement worked well for awhile. Then Doug received orders to go overseas. It would be an unaccompanied tour, which meant I could not go with him.

I was devastated. Doug would be gone for a year. I decided to stay in California and enroll full time in the school I was already attending. So, when Doug left, I moved to a student boarding house near the campus. My plan was to go to school and seclude myself in my room when I was not in class. Somehow I would get through the year until Doug returned home.

I began a routine of going to class, then shutting myself in my room to study. I didn’t try to interact with the other girls staying in the house.

After a week or so of this, one of the other girls, Cheryl, decided to do something about my reclusive behavior. One evening she knocked on my door with a big bowl of popcorn and invited me to come out and join them.

Thus began a rich, enduring friendship. During that year Cheryl and I experienced fun adventures together, as we both attended school and I waited for my husband to come home. Cheryl’s kindness in drawing me out and not allowing me to spend the time feeling sorry for myself made all the difference. Of course I still missed my husband, but God’s gift of Cheryl helped me to enjoy that year instead of wallowing in my misery.

It was so simple–a bowl of popcorn and caring conversation. A small act of kindness can have a big impact. I have never forgotten her thoughtfulness. The lesson in all of that for me is we don’t know how much difference a small act of kindness on our part can make in the lives of others.

Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24


How has someone’s kindness made a difference in your life? Please leave a comment below.


Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer

Image by brittywing from Pixabay

6 thoughts on “A Simple Act of Kindness

  1. Debby Annas says:

    A simple gesture of kindness can make a huge difference to the recipient.
    Help us Lord, to remember this and show kindness always.

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      It’s amazing how much of a difference a small thing can make. Thanks for reading and commenting.

    2. Beth Wooten says:

      I loved your article on the simple act of kindness. God is so good to know just what we need in all situations. What a blessing He provided to you in Cheryl!

      1. Phyllis Farringer says:

        Thank you, Beth. He is indeed so good to know what we need at just the right time.

  2. Joni says:

    Such a great reminder that kindness, even what we could “small gestures”, has a huge impact. Thanks for sharing.

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