A Fresh Start

It’s that time of year when people decide to make a fresh start. New Year’s resolutions arise out of good intentions. We want to be kinder, accomplish more, make healthier choices, or in some other way improve on what has gone before. Sometimes people even resolve to make major changes such as a new job or a new residence.

There is nothing wrong with a desire to do and be better. The new year is an opportunity for a fresh start. But often good intentions are only that, and what is ‘resolved’ in January is forgotten shortly after. Gym memberships, diet plans, and other good intentions are set aside when they become inconvenient, or just require too much effort.

But when someone resolves to do something, and then sticks with it, a difference is made. In the Bible, Daniel and his friends were taken captive when Israel was exiled to Babylon. Daniel grew up in a family that trained him in godliness before the captivity. He knew his God. Though living in a hostile environment in Babylon, he resolved not to defile himself in any way (Daniel 1:8). He knew God and resolved to live in ways that honor Him. His good resolution caused him and his friends to stand firm in the gravest of challenges. Daniel’s friends would not bow down to a false god (Daniel 3). Because they chose to rely on God despite the king’s threats, God sustained them when they faced a fiery furnace. God strengthened Daniel when he faced a lion’s den because he would not compromise his convictions (Daniel 6).

Whatever resolutions or goals we may set for ourselves as we start a new year, we would be wise to determine to seek God and His ways. Real change–change that lasts–happens from the inside out. Real improvement comes as we seek God’s will and conform our priorities to align with His. God created each of us with an inner void that cannot be satisfied with anything but Him. The best resolution any of us can make for the new year or any time is to resolve to know God better– to read His Word and let Him teach us His ways.

Every morning is in a sense a clean slate, an opportunity for a fresh start. Reading the Bible each morning, and spending some time in prayer is an effective way to learn God’s perspective. We don’t have to do life without purpose or without a sense of fulfillment. The Bible teaches us how to do life in ways that please Him. And He provides the wisdom and strength to live as He intended. When we seek His ways and His guidance we find the most fulfilling life possible.

God has given us the Bible to reveal Himself to us. He reveals His character. He gives us instruction for how to live now, in a world that is often hostile to His ways. In a world that often seems to be falling apart, we can have confidence in the One who is sovereignly in control of history. He gives us hope for the future as we learn He has a plan and He is working it out.

It is a worthy resolution for any of us in a new year to simply seek to know God better and reflect Him in our daily lives. When we know Him, His Spirit guides us through life, day by day.


Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. Romans 15:4 NLT


Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5:10 NLT


How will you seek to know God better as you make a fresh start this new year? Please leave a comment below.


Copyright 2025 Phyllis L. Farringer

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

4 thoughts on “A Fresh Start

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks, Phyllis. Yes, I’m thankful I can start my day over at any moment. 🙂

  2. Debby Annas says:

    Phyllis, your devotionals are always uplifting!
    The New Year is full of hope!
    We are reading through the Bible this year.
    Happy New Year to you!

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you. The New Year is full of hope when we see it from God’s perspective. Reading through the Bible reveals His thoughts.

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