For All Things

The Bible tells us to Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18). This thought often comes with the explanation we can be thankful God is working in our circumstances, even when the situation is not to our liking. We can be thankful in it, even if we do not feel thankful for it. What is often overlooked is the verse in Ephesians that counsels us to give thanks for all things. (Ephesians 5:20).

It seems like a tall order to give thanks for all things. We intuitively know much is wrong in our world. Murder, terrorism, human trafficking, and other abuses make up a long list. But God is not the author of confusion and chaos. He is not the source of evil. God is sovereignly in control of the world, but clearly He allows things to happen that are not His will. These things arise in a world that has forgotten God. Just as Jesus wept at Lazarus’ grave, we can be assured God weeps over sin and the injustice it causes.

Evil has multiplied on earth as a consequence of mankind using our God-given free will to choose disobedience. It began way back in the garden. Instead of gratitude for all the abundance God provided, Adam and Eve took the one thing He prohibited. Against God’s command, they chose to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so sin came into the world, and now we know evil. (Boy do we!)

Before we cast too much blame on Adam and Eve, it is good to realize none of us would have done any better. We have proven that by our own choices. Out of selfishness, pride, or even willful rebellion, we have each, far too often, chosen to go our own way instead of honoring God’s perfect standard. Only Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life.

All of the world’s problems are rooted in sin. The answers to all the world’s problems are rooted in Jesus.


Jesus took the penalty on Himself for the sin that entered the world, and each of our lives, when He died on the cross. We still have to choose between good and evil. When we acknowledge our own sin and turn to Christ, we find forgiveness.

His greatest gift is Himself. In Him, we are made right. Every good thing is a gift from His hand. Even in a world stained and darkened by sin and its effects, we have much for which to be grateful. Apart from His grace and goodness, we would not experience any of the countless blessings we enjoy. He gives the gifts of laughter, love, kindness, and so much more. By His Spirit, we experience abundance, peace and joy that is not dependent on circumstances.

God is allowing sin to run its course. In His time, He will destroy evil and set everything right. In the meantime, even the things we don’t understand are accomplishing His divine purposes. He has promised that He works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28).

In a world that has gotten it wrong in so many ways, we can be thankful for the God who has not forgotten us. He is good. His love endures. We can trust He is working out His plan of redemption. He is our security in the midst of all that is unjust. He is our eternal hope.

Every day, I see new evidence of God’s goodness. I see it in my family, the friends He has given, the beauty of nature, His generous provision, and even in the hard things He uses to grow my faith. Lately, I find myself praying, “Thank you Lord, for this, and for everything else.”

Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do . . . And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:17-20 NLT


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Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay

Copyright 2023 Phyllis L. Farringer

6 thoughts on “For All Things

  1. Hollis Ann Pearson says:

    I loved your thought about not being thankful for a situation, but we can be thankful in it.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Phyllis.

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Holly. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Sarah Hester says:

    When I count my blessings this year I count receiving a thoughtful message from you each Thursday morning as one of them. Thanks Phyllis

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Sarah.

  3. Elizabeth J says:

    Thank you, Phyllis. I do have situations that I’m not happy or thankful about. But I’m finally at the stage that I don’t have to be happy but that God has a reason for everything. I’m thankful He is in control no matter what it is. Thinking that way makes it easier to be thankful for all things.

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Elizabeth. Keeping our focus on who God is–remembering He is good, all powerful, wise, and loving–puts everything else into perspective.

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