God speaks to us continually. He can speak through something as simple as seashells. Or even barnacles. He works through imperfect things to bring His perfect comfort.
My friend, Di, spent a month in Florida with her father when he was seriously ill. It was a difficult and challenging time for her. She cared for her father and tried to encourage him. At the same time her emotions weighed heavy. It was hard for her to watch her father struggle so. She felt drained. She felt alone. She missed the fellowship and encouragement she could draw from a Bible study group of which she and I were both a part at the time.
She did find strength and comfort daily in her own morning Bible study and also from long walks on the beach. During those walks she had long conversations with her Heavenly Father.
When she returned home, she brought a collection of seashells with her. She came to our Bible study group and told us about her experience of missing us and about walking the beach–praying and walking.
She held up the bag of shells and said, “I saw all these shells and I thought of you.” Just as we began to anticipate what complimentary words might follow such a comment, she continued. ”Some are chipped. Some have cracks in them. Some even have barnacles on them–and I thought of all of you.”
Those shells had been tossed about by the waves, and then washed up on the shore. They had been shook and beaten up. Not one of them was perfect. But those chipped, cracked, barnacle covered shells still displayed beauty. God used them to minister to Di in her time of sadness. When she longed for human companionship, God brought her comfort through His creative beauty in a bunch of imperfect shells.
The message was clear. None of us is perfect either. Yet God comforted her in the knowledge that she had a group of friends who cared about her. Though we couldn’t be with her, she knew we were praying with her and for her in the midst of a difficult time in her life.
Like wave tossed shells, God’s people are tossed about on the waves of adversity. We come through with a few chips and cracks from the experience. Sometimes life shakes us. Sometimes it beats us up. Sometimes barnacles of despair or discouragement may still cling to us. Yet even in our less than perfect condition, God can use us to bring comfort to others.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NLT
What are your thoughts? How has God comforted you? Please leave a comment below.
Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay
Copyright 2023 Phyllis l. Farringer
Oh Phyllis. How timely this was for me. Thank you for sharing this. 💕
Thank you, Janey. I am glad you found it meaningful.
That was a wonderful story. How blessed are we to have “seashell” friends.
Your posts are always at the right time and right truth!
Yes, ‘seashell’ friends are a blessing. Thanks
Thanks for sharing, Phyllis. Great analogy and story. It reminds me that even though I’m not perfect, God uses me in His way. Thankful that I belong to God and He helps me do what He wants – barnacles and all. 😉
Thanks, Joni. Yes, I am thankful God uses us–barnacles and all.