Selfless Servants

Some time ago, someone designated October as Pastor Appreciation Month. Whoever thought that up, had a good idea. These selfless servants deserve some noteworthy attention–and far beyond October.

Most of the pastors I have known are humble, hardworking, compassionate shepherds showing unending concern for the flocks under their care.

They spend hours in study to prepare a message, week after week. But that is only the obvious part of their service. They make hospital visits, they counsel people in crisis, they attend endless meetings, and attend a long list of events involving members of their congregation. They share the preparations for weddings and funerals and walk through those times with the families experiencing them. They do things behind the scenes of which many people are unaware.

They may have an established ‘day off,’ but the reality is, they are available night and day, every day. They often sacrifice time with their own families to minister to the needs in their congregations. Selfless servants. Our current pastor amazes us with his ability to show up wherever pastoral care is appropriate.

Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 NLT


God sent His prophets, in Old testament times, as gifts for His people. They carried His message, revealing God and His ways. He sent Jeremiah and Isaiah to carry His message to people who would not listen. Yet His prophets were faithful, at great cost to themselves, to keep speaking God’s word, regardless of how well it was received.

In the same way, God has given us gifts in His messengers. Our pastors speak God’s word to us. Through their personal study and prayer they are able to help us understand confusing Scripture passages by putting them in the context of the whole Bible. They also help us sort out the confusion of our lives by putting life in the context of the bigger picture of God’s plans.

If you appreciate your pastor, don’t keep that appreciation to yourself, let him know. Here are a few practical things we can do: Send a note of encouragement. Send a gift card to a restaurant. Invite him and his wife to dinner. Be creative. If he has small children, offer babysitting so they can have a night out. Volunteer to help–wherever needed. Just say, “Thank you!”

Above all, pray for him. Sobering statistics reveal that too many pastors struggle with depression, and may even leave the ministry because of it. Ultimately, being a pastor is a calling, not just a job. Pastors work for an audience of One, but when they realize their work is also appreciated by their flock, it may keep them from falling prey to those statistics.

Blessings should not be taken for granted. God has given us great blessings in the form of pastors. They truly are selfless servants. Let’s let them know they are appreciated. And not just in October.

To all pastors, who give so much of yourselves, thank you!


And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will guide you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15 NLT


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Image by Alex S. from Pixabay

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