More Than Words

The Bible is more than words on a page. It is transforming truth. It is life-giving power. It nourishes our souls. It brings light into the darkness of this world. When people consume God’s Word, it makes a difference in how they live. Peace and joy are evident in the lives of those who are filled with God’s perspective. Real peace. Real joy.

Charles Spurgeon said it well, “A Bible that’s falling apart is usually owned by someone who isn’t.” The Bible doesn’t promise peaceful circumstances. The peace God gives is a peaceful spirit even in the midst of chaos. Real peace is security in Him.

The purpose of reading the Bible is not to memorize facts, or to impress others in a game of Bible Trivia. More than words, the Bible is the revelation of God Himself. We read the Bible to know Him, to learn His nature. As we study the Bible we learn His thoughts. We learn His attributes. We learn His will, and how to live in ways that please Him.

God is infinite. We will never learn everything about Him. I am convinced that we will continue learning about Him, and from Him, throughout eternity. But the more we read the Bible, with a teachable spirit, the deeper we can go in our relationship to Him.

God doesn’t waste words. Every word of the Bible is important. Though we may not fully understand the  meaning of some passages, the overall message of the Bible is clear. He is God; we are not. He has all authority, and He is worthy of our worship.

Further, we learn God created us, out of love, for relationship with Himself. Sin has broken that relationship. Jesus, God in the flesh, came into the world and sacrificed Himself for our sin so that our relationship with Him could be restored for all eternity. More than words, the Bible is our connection to life itself.

God blesses obedience and disciplines disobedience. Reading the Bible puts stability in our lives as we apply God’s principles to our day to day living. It equips us to rest securely in the arms of our loving Father, no matter what may be occurring around us.

The Bible teaches us our sovereign, all-powerful, wise, and good God loves His people and He is working out what is best for them. History is unfolding according to His plans. As we see current events playing out in ways that can be troubling, our peace and confidence come from knowing God is in charge. Government leaders rise and fall. Those who look to God and seek truth from the Bible make good leaders. Those who live in rebellion toward God make horrible decisions and their countries suffer the consequences. Either way, the security of God’s people lies in the character of God Himself. Over time, His ways always prove right.

The truth of the Bible is not up for debate. The real question is whether we believe it.


I have been fortunate to know several people who wear out and replace Bibles. They consistently spend time every day seeking God by studying His Word. They live out what they have learned. It has shaped their character. They are a pleasure to know.

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 ESV


What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment below.


Image by FaithGiant from Pixabay

Copyright 2023 Phyllis l. Farringer

8 thoughts on “More Than Words

  1. Holly says:

    I miss seeing you Phyllis! Praying you have a wonderful Bible study year! ❤️

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      We miss you too, Holly. Thanks for the prayers, and thanks for stopping by here.

  2. Laurie says:

    Yes, I agree! Much more than words on a page. The words are alive! Through them I discover continually my Lord. They penetrate the heart to guide, correct, teach, convict, give hope, joy and sustaining grace. Blessings to you and so glad to have your leadership this year!
    Hebrews 4:12
    New King James Version
    12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Laurie. Amen! His words are living and powerful.

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