Oh, How He Loves Us

Love appears in many ways. Over the years, my husband and I have developed multiple means of communicating our affection for each other. One we have adopted recently involves a small, stuffed, blue and white fish. We take turns hiding this little creature around the house where the other is likely to find it. Whenever one of us finds it, we call out to the other, “I love you too!” Then, it’s off to a new hiding spot. This little gesture has become a delightful day brightener. I get involved with whatever activities the day requires, then when I open a drawer or take a jacket off a hanger I suddenly see this silly sign that Doug loves me.

I don’t need a blue and white fish to remind me of my husband’s love, but this playful activity makes me smile. I appreciate all the ways my husband expresses his love. His thoughtfulness, everyday kindness and dependability speak volumes. He doesn’t have to tell me he loves me, but I am glad he does.

At times we may think God is hiding His love from us. We may wonder where He is when something happens contrary to our liking. We forget we live in a fallen world. Things happen that are contrary to His liking too. God promised He will one day set everything right, so we can live in hope.

In the meantime, there are many ways the Lord reminds us of His love for us. If He hides Himself it is in the same way young parents hide Easter eggs. He is easily found when we look for Him. The sun rises every morning on schedule. He gives fresh air and sunshine to lift our spirits. Though God could have placed us in a gray, boring world, He instead gives us one that explodes with color through the changing seasons. He provides a variety of delicious foods to enjoy when He could simply sustain our lives with manna every day.

Miracles are all around us. They remind us of His loving presence. We see the miracle of life itself–seeds grow into an endless variety of vegetation, new babies are born, a litter of puppies comes into the world. The earth, the other planets and stars are held in place. Rain clears the air and seasons produce growth. The prevalence of miracles may explain why we often don’t see them. We miss the wonder of them. Where is God? He is orchestrating it all and holding it together.

If we ever have any doubt about God’s love for us, we only need to remember the cross. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. He died a brutal death, taking on Himself the punishment our sin deserved, so that we could have eternal life. That act of sacrifice, for our sake, says it all, but He didn’t stop there. The empty tomb assures believers of our eternal future. Meanwhile, He gives us daily reminders that He is there, He is good, and He loves us.

I have loved you with an everlasting love;  therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. Jeremiah 31:3 ESV


Happy Easter!


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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Copyright 2023 Phyllis L. Farringer

4 thoughts on “Oh, How He Loves Us

  1. Elizabeth J says:

    Love your blue and white fish messages to each other.
    Happy Easter!

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Elizabeth. Happy Easter!

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