Are we seeing the signs?
When my husband and I visited Europe, we traveled by rented Volkswagen. Because we were in unfamiliar territory, we were careful to notice the signs we encountered. In Holland, a particular road sign grabbed our attention. We stopped and backed up to confirm what we thought we saw. It pictured a car going off the road into the water below. We proceeded slowly, curious about what we would find ahead. Maybe a half a mile later, the road ended abruptly as a ferry dock. No barricade. If we had missed the sign, and continued driving at highway speed, we might have driven right into the North Sea.
It is prudent to pay attention to the signs that appear around us. Signs are often warnings. If heeded, they help us avoid potential problems–maybe even disaster.
Are we seeing the signs in our world today? World events have led some to speculate the end of the world as we know it is near. The Bible teaches us Jesus will come back. He will make everything right. He will rescue believers from a sin-damaged world, and transport them into a glorious eternity. For the unbelieving world that rejects God, the end of time will bring a Great Tribulation, with suffering beyond anything yet experienced.
No human knows the day these things will happen. Only God knows. It is foolish to try to set a date. But, we are to stay alert and watch for His return, because it could come at any time.
We are seeing the signs of things Jesus warned about–earthquakes, famine, pestilence, wars and rumors of wars–with increasing intensity. “So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near.” (Luke 21:28 NLT).
Believers in every generation have wondered if they would see the Lord’s return in their lifetime. In our generation, several signs could be showing us how near His return is. The reestablishment of Israel as a nation, and the return of the Jewish people to their land from all over the world is significant. A world-wide pandemic, instability in the financial markets and warnings of coming food shortages could all be showing us it is time to look up.
Is this the end? I don’t know. It could be. I do know we are to be ready. We can only be ready by putting our faith in Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins.
Then, the best way to wait for His return is to do the things the Lord has already directed us to do. When He returns, let Him find us faithful. May we be faithful to teach our children and grandchildren about Him. May we be faithful to serve others around us who are in need. May we be faithful to tell others how they can avoid God’s wrath, by turning to Jesus now. The Bible tells us to encourage one another, especially as we see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:25).
We may face challenging circumstances as the world gets closer to the end. In the midst of uncertainty, we can know one thing for sure. God is faithful to bring His people through devastating circumstances. God provided an escape for Noah, and warned the world, before He sent the flood. Everyone in the ark was saved. When God judges the world, everyone in Christ will be saved. He promised to be with us through whatever trials life may bring. Our hope is not in this life. God has promised a bright, eternal future. We can trust His perfect ways, and perfect timing.
Jesus is coming back. When He returns, let Him find us ready. May He find us faithful.
We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ will be revealed. Titus 2:12-13 NLT
Are you seeing the signs? What difference is that making in your life? Please leave a comment below.
Copyright 2025 Phyllis L. Farringer
Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay
Thanks for the great post, Phyllis. Yes, regardless of when, it is not an “if”. Jesus IS coming back, and I pray constantly for everyone to follow God in the way He wants them to.
He is coming back indeed! He promised. Thank you, Joni.