The term, “fake news” gets tossed around a lot. Some use the term to point out the dishonesty of others. Some use it to cover up their own dishonesty. Regardless of which side of the truth the speaker resides, the listener is left confused. Which one is telling the truth?
With the availability of AI, it is easier than ever to present a false narrative. Images and voices can be created or modified to make it appear someone said or did something when they did neither. Photographs from a previous crisis may be used to deceive people into believing it is a current situation.
We live in an age of deception. If the facts don’t fit with someone’s agenda, they simply make up another story, or leave out important information. With all the attempts to present what is false, we need discernment more than ever. We can’t believe everything we hear, or think we see.
This is nothing new. Satan is the master deceiver. He has been delivering fake news since the beginning of time. The devil, in the form of a serpent, tricked Adam and Eve into questioning the truthfulness of God (Genesis 3.) Satan wanted them to resist God’s authority, and to doubt the goodness of His character. “Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” He twisted God’s words. Fake news.
The truth? God offered abundance. He said they could eat freely from any tree in the garden, with one restriction. God warned them against disobedience.
The devil said, “You will not die.” He contradicted what God said. Fake news.
The truth? We are all accountable to God. He has all authority. God’s Word is truth. When we disobey His commandments, and ignore His warnings, there are consequences.
The devil encouraged the first couple to eat the prohibited fruit saying, “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” Satan suggested God withheld something good from them. Fake news.
The truth? God’s restrictions are for our protection. They are not designed to keep us from pleasure. They are guard rails meant for our good. Obedience to God’s boundaries keeps us from unnecessary heartache. As a result of the original disobedience, we all know far too much about the evil in the world.
Satan’s deception continues. The devil would have us all believe that religion is the same as relationship with God. Satan deludes people to believe there are many roads to heaven. The devil’s counterfeit gospel proclaims we only need to be “good enough.” It is all fake news.
The truth? Sin broke the relationship of mankind with God. We are all guilty of choosing our way over God’s way. We can never be good enough on our own to earn our way to heaven. The only way to restore the relationship broken by sin is to trust in Jesus. Jesus paid the penalty for our sin on the cross. Trusting in His death and resurrection covers us with His righteousness. Jesus is the only way for us to be right with God.
Knowing the truth is the best protection against fake news.
Jesus answered ,”I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NIV
How has your knowledge of biblical truth protected you from Satan’s lies? Please leave a comment below.
Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
This was a both enlightening and encouraging. I admittedly have tried to bury my head in the sand when it comes to AI but you helped me peak out long enough to see how it can and abet fake news! Your comment about Satan spreading “fake news” from the beginning made me smile!
Thank you, Cheryl. I am glad it added a smile to your day.
Thank you for the post, Phyllis. Yes, God’s guidance is the only way to know the truth. I’m so thankful God gives clear guidance and protection.
Thank you, Joni. God’s Word enables us to discern truth and lies.