Faith That Matters

A key Bible passage that shows the faith that matters is Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take (NLT.)

This passage speaks to me because I know my understanding is inadequate. I have incomplete knowledge. Also, things are not always as they appear to be. In fact, often they are not. Our limited understanding is complicated by a culture that uses various forms of media to promote propaganda rather than report facts. Some are able to misrepresent a situation quite skillfully.

The saints of the Bible are commended for their faith. They didn’t have perfect understanding. They had faith in a perfect God. They had faith that matters, and they responded with obedience. Faith is not dependent on what we can see, touch, or feel. Nor is it dependent on our logic. Often what is true seems contradictory to those things. Faith is dependent on God’s word. Faith is belief in the goodness of God. It is trust in His purposes. It is belief in what He says.

By faith, Noah built a boat. Noah had never seen rain, didn’t know what rain was, and lived in the middle of a desert. Yet, when God told him He would send a flood and gave Noah instructions to build a massive structure, Noah began construction. He did everything as God commanded, and when the rains came, he and his family were saved. It is fascinating to me to learn that modern shipbuilders have affirmed that the plans Noah received from God are the perfect proportions for a stable ship. Should we be surprised?

Joseph was sold into slavery by jealous brothers, transported to a foreign country, and imprisoned under false accusations. He determined to please God by doing what was right, regardless of the circumstances. Years later, when reunited with his brothers, he offered them grace and forgiveness. Joseph knew God. He knew that even through the evil his brothers intended, God worked out His bigger and better plan (Genesis 50:20.)

Paul endured storms, shipwrecks, imprisonments, beatings, harassment and more. By faith he referred to his troubles as “light and momentary.”

The Bible doesn’t define faith except to say in Hebrews 11:1 that it is the confidence for, and assurance about, what we don’t see. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 counsels us to look beyond the troubles we see now. The things we can see won’t last. The evil and sin of this world will be destroyed. We are to look instead at what God has promised. Faith is belief in His promises. He has promised an end to suffering. He has promised ultimate, eternal good to those who put their faith in Him, through Jesus.

God is greater than all our knowledge and understanding. When we trust Him, He promises to guide us through this life, while we wait for the fulfillment of all His promises.

Faith that matters is faith in God, not circumstances.

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek him. Hebrews 11:6 NLT


How has God rewarded your faith in Him? Please leave a comment below.


Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer

Image by Hans from Pixabay

2 thoughts on “Faith That Matters

  1. Joni says:

    Thank you for the post. I’m grateful God is faithful, and gives me faith to trust Him.

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Joni. Even our faith itself is a gift.

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