Prayer Requests

Prayer requests. So many of them. In my circle of friends and family alone, so many times just in the last week I have heard the words, “Please pray for . . .” Concerns are presented about surgeries, mothers in labor, illnesses, travel safety, and numerous other things. I am happy to pray about the needs of the people I care about. I want God to intervene in their lives and do what is best.

I am under no illusion that it is the strength of my prayers that makes a difference. The God who holds the universe in place hears and answers each prayer request according to His perfect wisdom. He has designed a system in which He chooses to act in response to our prayers. It may be because answered prayer brings confirmation in our minds and experience that God did it. He could do whatever He wants without our prayers, but He wants us to ask. Our prayers strengthen our relationship with Him. They put us in touch with His mind and heart. He made us for relationship.

The astounding thing is that all those prayers going up from multitudes of people are heard and processed and acted upon. I have trouble managing the requests that come to my attention. He manages all of them. From everyone. He knows every heart. Even in those prayer requests we don’t know how to put into words, His Sprit intercedes and makes sense out of them (Romans 8:26). Then He answers every one. He knows the perfect outcome. He works all things together for the good of those who love Him and seek His purposes. He works them out in His time and in His way. And it is always for the best. Whether or not we can see it.

A friend of mine has suggested that since God is outside of time, even when we forget to pray about something someone has asked us to pray about, until after the fact, it still counts. I think my friend is probably right. God knows our hearts, our intentions, our desires before we do, even before we can process our thoughts.

Prayer is our connection to God. It reminds us who is in charge. When we pray we see Him do wonderful things. He is doing wonderful things every moment, but we miss the wonder of most of it. When we pray in faith, acknowledging our dependence on Him, and He acts, we know–He did it.

Our prayers are pleasing to Him, as the sweet smell of incense (Psalm 141:2). The act of praying reminds us we are not in control of the world and don’t have to be. The purpose of our prayers is not to get God to act in a certain way, but to remind us this is His world. We are dependent on Him, and we can trust Him to do what is best. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 NIV

I am struck by how often the Psalms, which are in essence prayers, start in despair, but end on a much different tone. As the writers of the Psalms remind themselves of God’s greatness and His goodness, the feelings of hopelessness disappear. It’s an example to us. Whatever we are feeling, just pray. Walk through the experience with God, seek His perspective. He takes all our prayer requests and knows just what to do with them. We can count on it.

But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. Matthew 6:6 NLT


How have you seen God act in response to your prayers? Please leave a comment below.


Copyright 2024 Phyllis L. Farringer

Image by reenablack from Pixabay

4 thoughts on “Prayer Requests

  1. Sue McKee says:

    God recently gave me “a word” during a stressful time- I heard a clear, calm “voice” say I WILL PROVIDE. I thanked Him and 15 minutes later the stressful feeling came and I thanked Him again. 15 minutes later the stressful feeling started up and I finally, in faith, thanked Him for what He was going to do and was excited to see how He was going to do it. Very soon after, He provided in the best possible way! Iam a slow learner- God’s patience and love are unfailing!🙏❤️

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Sue. Yes, His patience and love are unfailing. I too am often slow to learn.

  2. Charlotte of Kansas says:

    Phyllis, I liked your writing on prayer as we adore and connect with God. It pointed to the wonder, mystery and amazing sovereign power of God! In addition to prayer requests for people, I sometimes privately choose someone to pray for on a certain day. Example:”Today is Susan’s day” I think as I expectantly intercede for her repeatedly on that date.

    1. Phyllis Farringer says:

      Thank you, Charlotte. I like your idea of designating a day to pray repeatedly for someone.

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